The Boeing 314 Clipper was built as a transatlantic airliner as an agreement between Boeing and Pan American World Airlines. The 314 was first flown in 1938 with the first passenger flight in 1939. The 314 could carry up to 74 passengers which made it the largest airliner in the world. During WWII the Department of Defense bought five 314 mainly as transports for top officials. The 314 was retired from Pan American in 1946 due to more efficient land based aircraft. The last 314 was retired from service in 1950.

Powerplant ...... 4 x Wright GR-2600 Twin Cyclone, 14 valve, air-cooled radials
Length..........................106 ft 0 in
Height............................27 ft 7 in
Wing Span...................152 ft 0 in
Maximum Speed................199 mph
Maximum Range................3,500 miles
Service Ceiling....................13,400 feet