Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm Back, for now.

Those of you who diligently check my blog for new posts, you have probably been wondering what I have been doing the past month and a half. Due to my very limited time since the beginning of January, I have been working two jobs. First I head off to the base at 0400 and come home (most of the time) at 1530. I am home anywhere from a half an hour to an hour before I have to leave for my second job. The great thing about my second job is that I get paid about $40.00 an hour, it only last three months, the location varies, most of my coworkers are great to work with, I get to exercise, and customers like to yell at me, but have no influence. I like my second job, but the time has come for it to end. Yes, I love officiating high school basketball. Now what am I going to do with all my extra time. Melissa already has that planned out. Time to finish the basement. I don't know when I will be posting again, but hopefully soon. It might be a plane or some rambling like this one. Nobody knows what it will be until I post it. I need to shut up now, so everybody, have fun.