Wednesday, September 3, 2008

To Whom It May Concern

Due to the overwhelming complaints of the missing aircraft, I have decided to continue to post the Plane of the Week along with other stuff. This should satisfy all parties. The Plane of the Week will resume on the week of September 7th. Please stay tuned to this blog. Same world wide web. Same address. Till next time.


Marge said...

OH NO, not the PLANES! just kidding, I actually enjoyed reading your previous post involving all things airborne. Not only are the post informational and entertaining, they also make me realize that the people I think I know pretty well I have NO CLUE about. Good job Chris #1 (I went by Alphabet, you are Chris #1, Chris McKay is Chris #2 and my Chris Wheeler is Chris #3, just in case Pansy ever marries a Chris your numbers might change)

Emily H. said...

Oh, now I just feel bad about making fun of your blog. You do whatever you want! It's your piece of the internet, afterall.